Factors to Consider Before a Laser Hair Removal Procedure

Laser hair removal is ideal for people with dark hair and light skin. This hair removal procedure makes use of a pulsating and intense beam of light. The laser beam penetrates through the hair follicle individually and tends to damage every follicle which causes the hair regrowth. However, this method does not guarantee 100% hair removal, but slows down the hair growth instead.

Periodic Maintenance

Going through a laser hair removal procedure takes several sessions or treatments. Every session also requires several week intervals. Thus, a periodic maintenance is necessary to extend the hair-free period. Perhaps this is the main drawback of this procedure, as several sessions are required, including the technology to be used, the treatment may be perceived as expensive for many people.

Probable Risks

There are possible risks involved in this type of hair removal technique. However, such risks can be minimized as long as you go through a certified dermatologist, leaving the service at the hands of a professional. For many people who have gone through a laser hair removal, they may testify that such procedure is painful. It could also cause blisters and burns. Other cases involved scarring and skin pigmentation problems. Although these cases may be possible, not all procedures will result in such. It will all depend on the expertise of the doctor, the quality of their technology, and the client’s skin sensitivity.


Prior to the procedure, the dermatologist would first review the client’s application and medical background. A physical examination is usually required before a laser hair removal. The doctor will also discuss the possible risks and results of the procedure. Clients will be asked to avoid waxing, tanning beds, sunbathing, the use of collagen injections, and chemical peels two weeks prior to the procedure. The use of deodorant, perfume, and other irritants should also be avoided before the treatment. Intake of herbal supplements, anti-inflammatory drugs, and aspirin can increase the risks of bleeding.


Clients will expect a lot of issues after a laser hair removal procedure. They will notice swelling and redness of their hair follicles, although this is a normal result after the procedure. Minimal pain and discomfort may likewise be experienced, but could be relieved with over-the-counter pain medications. An application of topical antiseptic cream will be required and prescribed by the doctor. In a nutshell, a laser hair removal procedure can be an effective procedure, thus, finding a reliable dermatologist to perform the treatment is of utmost importance.

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