How Long do Beauty Products Last?

Did you just come across that great facial cream you purchased the last time you were at the day spa and then misplaced? You might wonder if it’s still good to use. Many people don’t even check the expiration date—it’s makeup, after all, not food, so what does it matter if it’s a little on the old side? However, there are actually some health risks to keeping old beauty products. Here are a few common products and reasons why you need to make sure you don’t keep them longer than you should.

Eyeliner – eyeliner doesn’t last that long, especially if it’s liquid eyeliner. Replace it every year because microbes can begin growing in it. For pencil eyeliners, you can use them for longer—a couple of years is usually fine.

Mascara – mascara also has a pretty short lifespan. The moisture in mascara makes it a great place for bacteria to live and grow. In fact, mascara can become infested with bacteria in as little as four months, so be sure to replace it regularly.

Eye shadow – your eye shadow is something you can keep around for three years or so. That’s because it has very, very little moisture in it. Of course, over time the product will start to break down, so if it starts to look dull, go ahead and toss it.

Lipstick – you can keep a favorite lipstick around for up to a year and a half or two years. Look at the expiration date and throw them away when they expire, though, or when they start to look dull. Light can cause lipstick colors to fade more quickly, so be sure to store your lipsticks in a cool, dark place to get more out of them.

Having trouble telling how old your beauty products are? Try smelling them – many products can go rancid and start to stink!
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