A Dramatic Hair Change

So you’ve decided you’re going to do something dramatic with your hair. There are a lot of different things you can do. But first you need to talk to your hairstylist about what you’re planning. This is because even though you may really like the idea of a drastic change, your stylist can tell you if the look will really work for you and if your hair can handle it.
Dramatically changing your hair color, for example, may involve using a powerful bleach process on your hair. This is especially true if you have very dark hair and want to go very light. All of the color will have to be stripped out, and that can greatly damage your hair. If your hair has already been colored or has been damaged in some way, bleaching it can make the problem much, much worse.

Another dramatic change is to have your long hair cut really short. In some cases, this is a great change—you’ll look really different, yes, but it can be a very good different. On the other hand, some people have fairly slow-growing hair. If your hair doesn’t seem to grow very quickly, cutting it may mean you’ll have to wait months or even years to get it back to the length it is now. So consider that carefully.

Sometimes people want to go with a radically different hairstyle. This is where a good stylist comes in. They can tell you if they think the style will work for you. Some styles simply don’t look very good on some people. Talk to your stylist about what you want and get their opinion. They’re more than happy to tell you what they think will look amazing on you. Since they’ve seen a lot of people with many different hairstyles, they’re usually spot on.
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