Going to a Spa to Detox

Some people go to a spa to relax, get a massage, and generally forget all their cares and worries for a bit. Other people go to a spa to work on their skin. They want to have their pores opened up, cleanse their skin, and generally recapture some of their youth. But some people go to spas for a completely different reason: they want to detox. Detox spas are special spas that focus on things like fasting, getting the toxins out of the body, and other treatments that will help get people’s health back on track.

People who attend a detox spa usually go for at least a day, if not a weekend. That’s because these spas focus on fasting and other detox programs that may take at least 24 hours. Of course, different detox spas do things differently. Some of them take things much more seriously than others. For example, one of the more serious detox spas may have people doing nothing but a juice fast for 24 hours while taking advantage of steam rooms and other special detoxification treatments. Other, lighter detox spas might focus on learning to eat a special detox diet while learning to relax and enjoying a seaweed wrap. There are even some one- to two-week detox spas where patients work directly with doctors, detox specialists, and nutritionists to turn their lives around.

There are detox spas around the world, but before you make an appointment, you’ll want to do a little research and learn just what you’ll be getting. Some of these spas are aimed at those who suffer from specific life-altering diseases like MS or chronic fatigue syndrome. Their programs are focused on helping these people overcome their illness and live happier, healthier lives. Others are designed as a quick detox where patients stay for a day or so while purifying their bodies.
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