Washing Your Hair – Tips from the Pros

You probably think you’re washing your hair the right way. After all, isn’t it just lather, rinse, repeat? While a lot of people assume that all they need to do is shampoo and condition their hair, there a lot more to it. Here are some tips from hairstylists and other professionals on how to wash your hair to get the most from it.
Rinse first. Your hair should be completely wet before you shampoo. Hot water helps open up the cuticles in the hair, which helps get rid of all the grime and debris in it. This also helps to loosen up the oils on your scalp so that the hair cuticles better absorb the nutrients in the shampoo and conditioner.

You’ve probably always thought it was shampoo and then condition, but if you have long hair, you actually want to condition your hair first. This will help protect the ends of your hair from getting too dry and breaking. Do a light amount of conditioner first, then rinse, then shampoo. This will keep your hair healthy and fill in any breaks in the cuticles with moisture.

Remember that you really only need to shampoo the hair closest to your scalp, not the ends. That’s because the hair at the scalp is the youngest and, therefore, the oiliest. The hair is driest and more fragile towards the end, so you want to be careful with it. Also remember that you only need about a quarter-sized dollop of shampoo to wash your hair and only about twice that much if you have fairly long hair.

Finally, one wash is often enough—you don’t need to rinse and repeat! Doing so can actually cause some of the necessary oils to be stripped out of your hair. Unless your hair is really dirty, you should only wash it once.
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