Fudge Membrane Gas

Fudge Membrane Gas New Fudge Membrane Gas is an innovative styling product. This super flexible 'fixing' gas is a styling & finishing product all in one.... Essentially it works lie a hairspray - holding your style in place without stiffness and also allows you to shape, texturise or piece your hair just like a styling paste.

Membrane Gas contains the unique DynamXTM poly resin technology (a 2 part bendy resin bond) which gives it the edge over the rest. It provides a firm HOLD (factor 10), that remains FLEXIBLE (the resin bond actually bends, not breaks), then the MEMORY (DynamXTM polymer) kicks in to prolong the life of your hairstyle. Membrane Gas actually remembers where your hair was styled.

Long, short, curls or straight, Membrane Gas is set to rock the styling world....watch out for it. Available in salons nationwide.

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