Sebastian Potion 9 11/1/2016
Truly provocative women stand out in a crowd. We often see a beautiful woman and ask ourselves "How does she get her hair to look so sexy?" The magic ingredient for creating and nourishing provocative styles is Sebastian's Potion 9. Be warned - people will just want to run their fingers through your luscious, glossy and sensual hair.
Too much styling is a well-known hair sin. Who would have thought it could actually improve the condition of your hair? Potion 9 is the ultimate versatile styling cream infused with nine botanical extracts to help restore lost moisture. It creates and holds the shape while simultaneously restoring hair, revitalising overprocessed locks to leave them in fabulous condition. Composed of natural ingredients including babussa oil, evening primrose oil, jojoba oil and amore credcido extract, Potion 9 has a cumulative effect - the more you use it, the better your hair will become. So no more naughtiness. It's time to clean up your hair habits and practice safer styling.
Sebastian Potion 9 is a highly versatile product. When combined with different styling techniques you can achieve very different looks. The fact that Potion 9 cares for your hair while it styles means you have free rein to style with debauchery - as often as you want.
Sebastian Potion 9 will become an indispensable tool in your hair routine. Essential for keeping your style provocative and your hair luscious and glossy, it will give you hair confidence like never before. Practice safer styling with Potion 9.
Robert Lobetta's Provocative Styling Tips www.girl.com.au/sebastian-potion-9.htm
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