What is a Thai Massage?

If you’ve seen someone pulling, pressing, and possibly even standing on another person at a day spa, you may have seen someone getting a Thai massage. This type of massage is not for everyone. If you dislike having pressure put on your body, don’t like having someone in your personal space, or are afraid of a little bit of pain, a Thai massage is not going to relax you. However, if you want to have improved flexibility, more energy, and feel relaxed, you may want to give one of these very invigorating massages a try. It’s certainly something a little different.

Some people call Thai massage Yoga for lazy people, and it’s sort of true. The masseuse doesn’t simply rub and knead the muscles. Instead, they stretch, move, and pull your body around. They may stretch your back by pulling on your arms while you’re lying down. Or they may help improve the flexibility of your legs by pushing them upwards. But it’s more than just moving your body into these different poses and stretches. A Thai masseuse may press into your muscles with their knees or might even walk on you to help relieve tension in your back.

This might all sound painful and unpleasant, and it may be that way to start with. However, once you get warmed up and used to having your body moved around like this, the massage can be relaxing and actually kind of fun. Once you’re finished, you’ll feel more energetic and flexible. In fact, if you have regular Thai massages, your flexibility will certainly increase.

Because Thai massage does involve pulling and moving the body around in different poses, it’s not a type of massage people should try at home. It’s far easier to hurt someone this way than it is doing something like Swedish massage. That’s why this type of massage is best left to the professionals.
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